The Number 11: Friend or Foe

Numerologist's Log:
 March is my 11 Personal Month. The 11 can either be your friend or give you a proverbial ass kicking.  It is known for sudden and unexpected events, some of which can be positive and others, not so much.
Let's start with the positive. The 11 is known for its strong connection to the spiritual realm and ability to give you signs and messages from above. I experienced this phenomenon earlier this month when I had a vivid dream. In the dream I was having a full blown conversation with my cousin Kathy who passed away several years back. She was telling me all about Heaven and how she was doing. I honestly thought is was the best "visitation" dream I have ever experienced.

Enter the "not so much" part:
A few days later, I was opening a can of dog food and it literally exploded all over me and my kitchen. This is not the kind of scenario you would wish upon a germaphobe like myself. There is not enough anti-anxiety meds or clorox bleach in the world to rectify this situation. I went into meltdown mode.
I pictured my obituary reading that I was killed by a can of dog food.
I suppose this might be a good time to mention that when the 11 is influencing you, you tend to be more emotional and prone to stress. For me, on that day,  being emotional or prone to stress was an understatement.

So you would think that was enough excitement for my 11 Personal Month but here we are 4 days later. This morning for fun, I awoke with a corneal abrasion and it was quite painful. I found that the cool air made it feel a little better so I stepped out on my back deck for a few minutes and when I did, I heard the door lock behind me. Yes, I was locked out of my house at 5:00 AM in 43 degree temperature wearing my pajamas and flip flops.
Funny how, no one is up at 5 AM, especially your husband who sleeps like a rock.
Time passed and no amount of knocking on the door woke up my husband, I was downright freezing. I finally made the decision to go to a neighbor's house and beg to use their phone to call my husband. On a side note, nothing makes you get to know your neighbor more than seeing him in his boxers while you are at his door in your pajamas.
45 minutes after being locked out and one nervous breakdown later, I was finally safe and sound back inside my house.

Okay, so it is pretty obvious to me this 11 month is kicking my ass and that the 11 is an energy that tests the best of us.

In the course doing thousands of readings, I have listened to people explain the events in their lives while the 11 is present in their chart.
The beauty of the 11 is that it can bring wonderful news such as a spiritual awakening, soul mate, marriage, baby, fame ,fortune and many other positive things.
The downside of the 11 is that when it is having a difficult effect, it can bring a nervous breakdown, divorce, sudden illness or death, accidents or a number of negative things.

I guess I should be grateful that I only have a can of exploding dog food and being locked out of the house as my problems to date but just knowing I have 22 days left to go in March makes me a little anxious.

22 another Master Number. *plays scary music here*


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