Numerology Case Files: Martha Stewart

Numerology Case Files: Martha Stewart
Birth name: Martha Helen Kostyra
Born 8/3/1941
Life Path is 17/8                                                                                                             
Birthday is 3                                                                                                                  
Expression is 16/7                                                                                                         
Heart's Desire is 8                                                                                                         
Personality is 17/8 
Maturity is 15/6            

Bio Source Wikipedia
Martha Stewart is an American businesswoman, writer, and television personality. As founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, she has gained success through a variety of business ventures, encompassing publishing, broadcasting, merchandising, and electronic commerce. She has written numerous bestselling books, is the publisher of the Martha Stewart Living magazine, and hosted two long-running syndicated television shows, Martha, which ran from 2005 to 2012, and Martha Stewart Living, which ran from 1993 to 2005.
In 2004, Stewart was convicted of charges related to the ImClone insider trading affair. There was speculation that the incident would effectively end her media empire, although Stewart began a comeback campaign in 2005 and her company returned to profitability in 2006. Stewart rejoined the board of directors of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia in 2011 and became chairman of her namesake company again in 2012.  

Martha is an 8 Lifepath with additional 8 energy showing in her chart by way of her Hearts Desire and Personality Number. There is no question that she is abundantly talented with the 8 energy.
An 8 has natural born authority and a gift with business and finances.  8s also have a great deal of ambition and a desire to be successful. They are self-driven people who are very goal and career orientated. They often leave a legacy of accomplishments behind when reflecting back upon their lives. There is no question that this is the case with Martha Stewart.
The 8 can be “rags to riches” number which offers the holder opportunities for wealth, power and position in life but there is a caveat attached to the number 8, a warning if you will. Unethical behavior will bring reversals and losses so it is important for an 8 to make good sound decisions and remain high-principled in all their business dealings. When Martha made the unscrupulous decision to sell stock based upon insider trading information, she sealed her fate and a Karmic reckoning unfolded.
On June 4, 2003, Stewart was indicted by the government on nine counts, including charges of securities fraud and obstruction of justice. Martha Stewart was in a 7 Personal Year at the time and things that are hidden often come to light in a 7 Personal Year. This is even more significant when you look at her 16/7 Expression Number.  The 16/7 is a Karmic Number and is associated with “rise to fall”. A person who has 16/7 in their chart usually experiences an event where they seem to lose it all and have to begin again. It often is a humbling experience as this number represents a struggle between ego and Divine will. There is no question that this must have been an embarrassing and humiliating experience for Martha.

The case went to trial in January 2004 and Martha Stewart was found guilty in March 2004 of felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigator. She was sentenced in July 2004 to serve a five-month term in a federal correctional facility. 2004 was an 8 Personal Year for Martha and that is very significant when you understand the very reason she was convicted was because she broke the cardinal rule of the number 8. People in general experience an 8 Personal Year based upon events of the past. If you have sown good things, an 8 Personal Year should be very favorable. If not, it can be experienced otherwise. It was time to “pay the piper” for Martha.

Now the thing to be most aware of about people with 8’s in their Numerology Chart is that they can experience financial reversals but can recover from them and be as successful as ever. This is the case with Martha Stewart. Most people assumed that the scandal would be the end of Martha but I quote from the People Magazine article Scandals! That Rocked America:  "Some expected America's goddess of domestic perfection to fall into terminal despair. Instead, with the drive that would make her a billionaire, Stewart took her lemon of a sentence and made lemonade. Heck, she made a lemon soufflé
 Martha has made an incredible comeback.

*Note on Personal Year: In 2003, Martha was indicted in June prior to her Birthday. In 2004, she went to trial and was convicted prior to her Birthday in 2004.  This is further evidence for a January 1st start date for the Personal Year. Please see:

Copyright 2015


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