Rachel Maddow : “ A Highly Intelligent Woman with a Built-in Bullshit Detector”

Her Numerology: 7 Lifepath
Rachel’s impressive education is testimony to any 7 Lifepath.
 7s are very intelligent people who excel at learning and most often specialize in a particular field of study to the point of becoming an expert at it. They have a logical, rational and methodical mind that has the ability to process information and come up with insightful as well as accurate conclusions. The 7 has the uncanny ability to discern the truth and instinctively sense deception when it is presented. 7s do not take things on face value but rather will look beneath the surface to evaluate whether something is true or not. This is the area where their exceptional ability to research and analyze information serves them well. This is why Rachel is so brilliant at her job.
It is also important to take note that Rachel is very intuitive and paying attention to her hunches goes a long way in explaining her success. 

Rachel’s style of reporting is a reflection of her 7 energy. She is a master at methodically walking her viewers through the information and bringing them to the ultimate conclusion.

Rachel Maddow is a 6 Expression.
This explains why Rachel has a strong sense of justice. 6s are known for standing up for injustices. The phrase “there ought to be a law” was most likely 1st uttered by a 6.
Her 6 also explains her likeability. 6s are warm, friendly and well received.

Rachel’s 1 Day of Birth adds to her uniqueness. She has strong leadership abilities and the confidence and bravery to venture into territory that others might shy away from. She is an “out of the box” thinker and makes up her own mind about things. This adds to her 7 Lifepath energy by prodding her to question “status quo” and look for the truth.

It can not be underestimated the impact Rachel Maddow's reporting of late. Her coverage of the connection between Russia and the Trump Administration is astounding and thought provoking. She is without question, bringing the truth to light which is the primary purpose of a 7 Lifepath. 

Rachel may feel like an enigma to herself most of the time. There is the part of her that is comfortable in the public eye but another part of her that seeks seclusion and alone time. It may feel exhausting to her to fit in amongst the other humans when she has such super-human capabilities. She sees what most have difficulty seeing and then becomes confused why others can not see what she does. Having a built-in bullshit detector is a blessing and sometimes a curse.
I think she would agree with me on that.

Rachel Anne Maddow  born April 1, 1973) is an American television host, political commentator, and author. She hosts a nightly television show, The Rachel Maddow Show, on MSNBC, and serves as the cable network's special event co-anchor alongside Brian Williams. Her syndicated talk radio program of the same name aired on Air America Radio. Maddow became the first openly gay anchor to host a major prime-time news program in the United States. She holds a doctorate in politics from the University of Oxford. ( source Wikipedia)  
Rachel Maddow was the recipient of one of the world’s most prestigious scholarships, the Rhodes Scholarship.

Alison Baughman first discovered Numerology as a child, studied it for a lifetime and began her professional career as a Numerologist in 1999. Today, Alison is a professional Numerologist, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, author, lecturer, and the host of Visible By Numbers, a weekly Internet talk show on BBS Radio. For more information, or to schedule Alison for an interview, please visit www.visiblebynumbers.com


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