Numerology: When Does the Personal Year Begin?

No doubt this question is one of the most debated concepts in Numerology. Most Numerologists study the works of respected Numerologists in order to learn Numerology and soon discover this conflict of information about when the Personal Year begins. Some would say the Personal year begins on January 1st and others say it begins on your Birthday. Ultimately, a good Numerologist listens to their clients for validation. When it comes to debate, there are books and evidence supporting both sides. If you consider Chinese Astrology, the Personal Year begins on a fixed date which is the Chinese New Year. This fact in itself adds to the validity that the Personal Year begins on New Years Day. 

I personally think that there are very important aspects of Numerology that play into the misinformation. Essence and Transit Numbers are found in your Numerology Chart and they are derived from your name at birth.  From the moment of your birth, you are working through the letters of your name year by year and they have a strong influence on what you experience in life. The Essence and Transit numbers signal everything from new opportunities, to moves, job changes, and break-up in relationships, marriages and more. The Essence and Transit numbers begin on your Birthday and have influence Birthday to Birthday. They create your experiences and must be read in conjunction with the Personal Year Number. To ignore the Essences and Transits is equivalent to leaving out valuable information that Numerology provides to assist your clients in understanding what energy is present in any given year. Some Numerologists may draw conclusions about when a Personal Year begins without taking the Essences and Transits into consideration. That is my opinion.

Numerology is based upon ancient knowledge and there have been some amazing Numerologists who have dedicated their life’s work to sharing this knowledge. I have made a list of Numerologists who teach that the Personal year begins on January 1st. This is a partial list, mind you, but it demonstrates multiple examples of Numerologists who would validate a Jan. 1st start date.  I also think the additional notations by Matthew Goodwin and Hans Decoz are important to take into consideration and lend insight into the confusion.

In 1979 Juno Jordan, considered to be one of the most influential and respected Numerologists in the 20th Century published Your Right Action Number which was based upon 25 years of research through the great minds that formed the California Institute of Numerical Research. This book presented the concept of the Personal Year as well as the meanings of the Personal Year.
Calculation Method: Month+Day+Universal Year
Timing of Personal Year: Jan.1st-Dec.31st

Matthew Goodwin: 1981 Numerology The Complete Guide Volumes I and II p.322 in Volume II
Calculation: Month+Day+Universal Year
Timing of Personal Year: Jan. 1st through Dec. 31st
Additional note from Matthew Goodwin: “The Personal Year, like the Universal Year, lasts one year from January 1 to December 31. It may be felt to some degree from October through December of the previous year. Its fading influence can be felt through January and February of the following year. Actions predicted on the approach by the Personal Year are more powerful between March and September because the influence is operating in a pure form, without the overlay of previous or incoming approaches. If an action or event of importance can be scheduled, schedule it for maximum impact in those middle 7 months.”

Hans Decoz Master Numerologist, software designer and author of Numerology: The Key to Your Inner Self published in 1994
Calculation Method: Month+Day+Universal Year
Timing of Personal Year: Jan. 1st through Dec. 31st

Kay Lagerquist and Lisa Leonard: The Complete Idiots Guide to Numerology 1999
Calculation Method: Month+day+Universal Year
Timing of Personal Year : Jan 1st through Dec. 31st

 Ellen Dodge: Author of 5 Books on Numerology
In Ellins book p68, she explains the Personal Year 
Helyn Hitchcock: Helping Yourself with Numerology 1972
Ellae Elinwood:  The Everything Numerology Book
Kathleen Roquemore: It’s All in Your Numbers 1975
Lynn Buss: Numerology for the New Age 1978

I think the most important idea that you can take away from this article is to listen to your clients because ultimately, their experiences will validate which method is correct. Pay careful attention to your clients who are born late in the year because they would be the ones who would be most affected. I was born in October myself and I always take an objective look at my experiences in any given year in order to draw a conclusion about when the Personal Year begins. 
Copyright 2015 


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