The Case of Bill Cosby

William Henry Cosby 
July 12, 1937 
3 Lifepath
12 Birthday 
6 Expression
8 Hearts Desire
7 Personality
9 Maturity
Essence at age 77 is 17/8
Personal Year in 2014 is an 8 

Bill Cosby joins a long list of famous comedians who share the number 3 in their Numerology chart.

Joan Rivers and Ricky Gervais are 3 Lifepaths. Robin Williams was born on July 21st (2+1=3), George Carlin was born on May 12th (1+2=3) Rosie O'Donnell was born March 21st (2+1=3), Rosanne Barr was born November 3rd, Ray Romano was born December 21st (2+1=3)  and Eddie Murphy was born April 3rd. 

It is no wonder 3s become comedians when you look at their talents and abilities. 3s have a gift with self-expression and are funny, entertaining, artistically creative and easy going. They are enjoyable people to be around because they make us lauh. They gare great story tellers and are known for their facial expressions which accompany whatever story they are telling. Bill Cosby is a master at expression. 

It is interesting to note that Bill has an 8 in his Hearts Desire position. The 8 can be a rewarding number to have in your Numerology Chart because it gives you opportunity for success, however the 8 demands that you be ethical at all times otherwise there will be a Karmic reckoning to deal with. An 8 speaks volumes about "what goes around comes around."

 On March 8th 2005, Bill Cosby had a civil lawsuit filed against him by Andrea Constand for battery and assault. 2005 was an 8 Personal Year for Bill Cosby. In November of 2006, Constand and Cosby settled the lawsuit out of court. 

 2014 is Bill Cosby's next 8 Personal Year and the karmic reckoning of epic proportions began in February. To date, 28 women have come forward with claims of sexual assault and rape against him. 
Bill Cosby's Essence Number in his 8 Personal Year in 2014 is also an 8. When the Essence Number and Personal Year Number are the same at any given time of your life it usually is a marker for a particularly profound and difficult experience. 
An 8 Personal Year for most people is a year that brings financial rewards and recognition for your achievements. For Bill Cosby, 2014 brought loss of revenue due to cancelled appearances and television projects as well as utter destruction of his reputation. 

Another noteworthy aspects of Bill Cosby's Numerology Chart in 2014 is that he is in the 5th year of an I Physical transit which is a marker for an ending and completion of something of importance in his life. Could this be the signal for Karmic completion or the end of his career? 

He also has a 5 Challenge at this time of his life and interestingly enough, that can be interpreted as sexual promiscuity. Bill is 77 Years old  ( 7+7=14). The number 14/5 is Karmic and also applies to overindulgence with sex. 

The number 9 in his Maturity suggests that the past must be dealt with. Often when people are in a 9 Personal Year, someone from long ago shows up in their life. The 9 makes a strong statement about endings and completions having to do with the past. 

Whatever transpires over the next few years, Bill Cosby's chart shows another difficult configuration in 2017. 2017 will be a profound year for him and not in a positive way. 
Copyright 2015 


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