2022 Predictions


2022 Predictions

Alison Baughman ©2022 Published 12/30/22

Before we get to the 2022 Predictions, there is something important I need to share with you. The vibration of the planet is rising and to survive and thrive, humanity needs to raise their vibration to match it. This process began in the year 2000 when the energy of the 2 arrived. It has been slowly building in intensity and this year places emphasis on the 2 energy. Just look at how many 2s are in 2022.

The 2 insists that we find a peaceful way to coexist and be supportive of each other. It requires us to work for the greater good of all. The 2 is not selfish or egotistical. It does not support aggression or violence. The 2 also has a funny way of teaching patience and does not like to rush things. When the 2 is in charge, we have to just allow things to unfold. We cannot push or shove our way through this. That is the trajectory we are going in and eventually we will get there.

There is a struggle currently happening on Earth where some are holding on to the old ways, refusing to evolve and struggling in the process. How many of you are dumbfounded by how polar opposite people’s beliefs are? What you are witnessing is a difference in vibrations. The lower vibration creates mental imbalance which in turn, is the cause of the anger and violent actions we have a challenging time understanding. The bottom line is that they must evolve because if they refuse to do so, they will not survive. That is the choice.  

You may be asking yourself “What can I do to help?” and my answer is to just be as kind and considerate of others as you can and do your best to live up to the expectations of the 2. In essence, caring about your fellow brothers and sisters is the only way.

Now to the predictions:

2022 is a 6 Universal Year. The 6 focuses on home and family. It opens the doorways to an increase in marriages and births. There will be strong emphasis on children in 2022 in relationship to their well-being.

 2021 brought a trend in working from home and we can expect more of the same in 2022. We are liable to see a greater labor shortage as more people re-evaluate their lives and prioritize their families over working in jobs that do not pay. This is the year where the average worker will have more leverage in asking for better wages and benefits. Welcome to the American Worker Revolution of 2022 which is long overdue. The beauty of the 6 vibration is that it is the champion of the underdog and will go a long way in assisting those in need and that includes underpaid workers. We can also look forward to hearing more news about how the rich exploit the poor and avoid paying their fair share of taxes. In 2022, the little guy wins.

* 1/4/22 Per Washington Post A record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in November as workers continued to take advantage of higher wages, better benefits

Thankfully, the 6 brings balance and has the potential to find common ground, see a situation from both sides and find resolutions. In a world that is so divided, this would bring welcome relief.

The fact that Roe v Wade is under assault is important to consider when looking at 2022. The 6 is considered to be “cosmic mother” energy and the 2 is “divine feminine.”  This will be a bigger issue in 2022 but, I feel women will have a great deal to say about it in the form of protests.

 The 6 seeks justice and with so many unanswered questions about Jan. 6th, I believe we will find the answers and justice will be served.

The 6 is a positive number when it comes to finances, and I expect our economy to recover from early problems with the supply chain and end up doing fairly well in 2022. Gas prices will go up unfortunately.


I think, in time, we will be thankful for Omicron because it became the dominant variant. Delta was far more deadly. I believe it will be rough going in the early months of 2022, but I believe we coming to the end of this pandemic. Effective medicines to treat Covid as well as new and improved vaccines will become available in 2022. Herd Immunity will be easier to reach.

In the early months of the year, when Covid is still rampant, we are going to see significant issues at the hospitals.  Doctors and Nurses are at a breaking point and hospitals will not be able to handle the influx of patients. I am especially concerned about children. People may become hostile because they are turned away from treatment. I do feel steps will be taken to resolve this issue but not before it becomes a major problem. 

The 22 In 2022


The 22 has a deep connection to Mother Earth. Climate change is not something that is in the future. It is here with us now. People perceive climate change as more of a threat to the coastal communities and it certainly is, however, it is a threat no matter where you live. Storms are intensifying and causing flooding rains, hurricane force winds inland, and an increase in tornados.

I suggest you discuss with your family what to do in a weather emergency. You might want to pack an emergency bag in case you have to evacuate. If you have a basement, you might want to create a safe space in the event of a severe storm. Stock up on batteries, flashlights, water, and food. Be prepared. If your area is prone to flooding, do what you can to minimize the impact. Check your sump pump or even have sandbags on hand. Most importantly, pay attention to weather warnings. There will be unprecedented weather now and in our future.

2022 will have several strong earthquakes and increased volcanic activity. There will also be a meteor that lights up the sky.


Power Outages

Expect to have more frequent power outages due to issues with the electrical power grid and the weather. This might be a good time to invest in solar panels or a generator.


We hear over and over about companies being held hostage by hackers and this trend will continue. Everything is run by computers so potentially; hackers can shut down anything. On a personal note, update your passwords and be cautious of emails. If you are not sure the email is authentic, Google it or contact the company by phone. Take the time to talk to your elderly family members and caution them about spam emails and phone calls.


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