The Power of the Letters in Your Name

When you write out your name you probably do not think about the letters but truth is, they are speaking volumes about you. It is fun to discover the hidden secrets of your name and it is easy enough to do. 

Write the name on your Birth Certificate out and using the graph, find out what numbers correspond to the letters in your name.

Now you are able to see just how many of each number you have in your name and can read how that influences you below. 

The Ones
 Letters: A, J, S 
Average Amount in a Name: 3 
Everyone usually has 3 of the letters that equal the number 1 in their name. As a matter of fact, having 3 your name is necessary for you to have a healthy ego. Having 1s help you to stand up for yourself , be independent and to have confidence in your abilities. If you do not have enough 1s in your name, you are more likely to let people walk all over you or remain dependent upon others.
  People with less than 3 struggle with their personal power and on the other hand, people with more than 3 can tend to be overpowering. If your name begins with the letters A, J or S, you have strong leadership capabilities and take that 1 energy to a whole different level.

The Twos
Letters: B, K, T 
Average Amount in a Name: 1 
Everyone usually has 1 of the letters that equal the number 2 in their name. The number 2 assists you to have empathy for other people and to be considerate of their emotions. It also gives you the ability to make compromises and work for the greater good of all. The number 2 gives you patience to allow things to unfold rather than force them. It also makes you more sensitive in general.
People with no 2s in their name will have to work harder at all of the things I mentioned above. If you happen to have many 2s in your name, the energy is intensified in your chart. You may even experience times of being overwhelmed by your emotions, especially when in periods of prolonged stress. You are more susceptible to depression or anxiety. People who have names that begin with the letters B, K or T thrive in a peaceful environment.

The Threes
Letters: C, L, U 
Average Amount in a Name: 1 
Everyone usually has 1 of the letters that equal a 3 in their name. The number 3 gives you the ability to express yourself and it enhances your creative abilities. It also helps you tap into your playful side and see the humor in things. The 3 is associated with the ability to remain optimistic. People with many 3s are very artistic but, tend to have a hard time focusing and get distracted easily. People who do not have a 3 in their name have to work harder on expressing themselves. If your name starts with a C, L or U, you probably are quite talkative.

The Fours
Letters: D, M, V
Average Amount in a Name: 1 
Everyone usually has 1 letter that equals the number 4 in their name. It assists you to be more disciplined which is a necessary quality in life. It helps you to focus on the task at hand and work until it is completed. The number 4  helps you to be more organized. It is also associated with being practical and having common sense. Not having a 4 in your name indicates that you just have to work harder at the things I just mentioned. If you have 3 or more 4s in your name, you may have to be cautious of becoming a workaholic. If your name begins with a D, M or V, you are very responsible and work very hard at your job.

The Fives
Letters: N, E, W
Average Amount in a Name: 3 
Everyone usually has at least 3 letters that equal the number 5 in their name. The 5 is the energy that helps you to make changes in your life and adapt to new situations.  Without it, you would be fearful of change and end up being stuck and unable to move on from circumstances that you have outgrown.
The number 5 is associated with your ability to communicate with others and it is the number we most share in common. People with many 5s do well with public speaking or writing. Lack of 5s in your name has the opposite effect and can make you less communicative. People who have names that begin with N, E and W are free-spirited and more adventurous than the average person.

The Sixes
Letters: F, O, X
Average Amount in Name: 1 
Most people have at least one letter that equals the number 6 in their name. The 6 energy enables you to nurture others and it creates strong ties to your family. Having a 6 in your name adds compassion to your nature and a desire to help those that are less fortunate. People who have many 6s in their name will accept great deal of duty and responsibility for their loved ones during their lifetime.  Those with no 6s in their name will also do the same but, for them it is a learning experience and the nurturing part does not come naturally. If your name begins with the letters F, O or X, home and family are the most important things in life.

The Sevens
Letters: G, Y, P
Average Amount in Name: 0
A Majority of people born prior to the 1980s do not have a letter that equals the number 7 in their name but it is becoming more common since that time. The 7 energy propels you to not accept things on face-value but rather, look beneath the surface and discover the real truth. The 7 gives you the ability to analyze information and use logic and reason to come to a conclusion. It  represents higher knowledge and wisdom and has strong spiritual connections. People with many 7s in their name would excel in any career path involving research or analytics. Those who do not have 7s in their name have to learn not to be gullible and to investigate when something does not "sound right."
They may have to work on discovering a faith that they resonate to as well. If your name begins with the letters G, Y or P, you are born with intelligence and a desire to learn.

The Eights
Letters: H, Q, Z
Average Amount in Name: 0
It is not unusual to be missing a letter that equals the number 8 in your name. I guess most of us have a lesson with money to be learned in our lifetime.  The number 8 gives you talents and abilities when it comes to finances which increase your chances of being successful.  It makes you more ambitious and goal orientated. It enables you to be more efficient and organized. If you have many 8s in your name, you will have many opportunities to achieve money, power and success in life however, it will take hard work and dedication. If you have no 8s in your name, you will have to work harder at handling your finances and making good money decisions. People who have names that begin with H, Q or Z have great potential to be successful in life.

The Nines
Letters: I, R
Average Amount in Name: 3 
The number 9 connects you to human emotions and it is highly unusual for a person to be missing the letters that correspond to the number 9 in their name. The 9 symbolizes love, loss, forgiveness, compassion, empathy and every emotion in between. The 9 adds charisma and artistic abilities to your being.  It also is a number that helps you to grow spiritually. Having an overabundance of 9s in your name could make you a little dramatic and having none could make you appear as though you are not emotional at all. People who have names that begin with I and R may feel a desire to make the world a better place throughout their lives.


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