Goodbye My Girl

I chose Rae Rae for her name because she came to us from a rescue in Georgia. I felt she should have a good Southern sounding name. We were told that she had been abandoned outside in a yard for the better part of her 2 years until a nice lady took her to the rescue. It was obvious from the start that Rae Rae had some problems. You could not touch her without her screaming. I took her to the vet twice, absolutely convinced that something was very wrong, only to be told Rae Rae's screaming was just psychological. I could only imagine what her past held. She refused to sleep in bed with us but, preferred to sleep under it. After a year of it, we bought a bed frame that was enclosed at the bottom. We felt sleeping in bed would help her bond with us. We just stayed patient with her, trying to gain her trust, hoping she was happy. I used to call her my "Kung-Foo Fighter" because she was stubborn as all get out. She was incredibly strong for her size. It felt lik...