Your New Year's Resolution Based Upon Your Personal Year Number

It is a beginning of a New Year and we all make our resolutions to try to better our lives in the upcoming year and my wish for all of you this year is that you resolve to be kinder, more loving and more tolerant of each other but do not forget to be equally kind, loving and tolerant of yourself. Be true to yourself and live your life joyfully by being exactly who you are. Celebrate your uniqueness. Love yourself with abandon. Each day, resolve to greet each person you meet with respect and the same love. Know we all are on a Divine Journey and our souls have different agendas. By simply allowing, we show the greatest wisdom and love. As you begin the New Year, I encourage you to spend a little time in thought. Focus on yourself. Where do you see yourself in the future and how do you get there? What are your dreams and aspirations? It is time to set some goals about what you want to achieve in 2019 but please remember they do not have to be lofty goals. Too of...